There are diverse opinions regarding the use of drugs. This post is going to explain the spiritual effects of using Drugs like Marijuana (Hasish) , LSD, Cocaine, Ganja, opium, ayahuasca etc etc according to Esoteric Teachings. This applies for all drugs both “natural” and synthetic. According to Clairvoyant investigation the synthetic drugs have more adverse effects on the human psyche but natural drugs like Cannabis also damage although to a lesser degree than synthetic drugs to the human mechanism and is ultimately no better than synthetic drugs like Heroin and Cocaine etc. People might debate drugs like ayahuasca and Cannabis were used in the ancient times. To this we would like to notify that in the Ancient Atlantis and in the other ancient civilizations there was widespread Black Magic that prevailed in the daily life of ancient humanity. The widespread prevalence of black magic was also the cause of drowning of the continent of Atlantis which is an esoteric fact despite science claiming against it.
This Black Magic found it’s way into today’s religions contaminating it and distorting the true teachings of these great religions. This can be seen in Shamanism which has is now a distorted version of True Shamanism and also the present Hindu Tantra which has been partly taken over by false yogis, black magicians and has been manipulated using Black magic. There are indeed true White Tantrikas. But, to our knowledge they do not use drugs.
Moreover, some literalists today always happen to give examples of Lord Shiva of smoking Cannabis to defend their habit. We need to remind all the readers that in Esoteric Hinduism Lord Siva is a Principle representing the Will aspect of God. There was no individualized God called Lord Shiva who lived on planet earth. So, how is he going to smoke Cannabis? Often times students use spiritual teachings like this to defend their personal tastes and inclinations. The true teachings must be esoterically understood and not taken literally.
According to the teachings of Theosophy, Agni Yoga etc, drugs burn away the Etheric and astral webs inside our Energy Centres that do great damage to our system. This has also been confirmed by Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui in his book Pranic Psychotherapy. How does drugs affect our psyche? Here is a short explanation by Torkom Saraydarian during his question and answers session during a Lecture.
“Question: Some people say that if they use a certain amount of marijuana or some drugs, they understand the future and Infinity better than those who have never experienced marijuana and drugs. What is your answer?
Answer: The future problem of people who use drugs is that they will have some access to astral and higher mental planes, from which they will receive emotional, astral energy and certain beams of light from the higher mental plane. This in itself does not present a problem except when the drug user has burned certain centers in his brain and mind. Then he will not be able to handle the energy coming from the emotional plane or correctly translate and use the light coming from his higher mind.
What will happen is that common sense, laws, and the moral principles of daily life will not mean anything to him because the light will prove them not valid from the viewpoint of the abstract mind. He will not be able to make right use of energy, but with it will reject violently all imposition put upon him from the environment regarding laws, principles, rules, moral guidelines, etc. In such a mind, the higher concepts are rejected by the lower mind as hallucinations and the lower, realistic concepts are rejected by the higher light as nonsense. As a result, drug users will hate to follow the rules of life for their environment and they will break the laws when it seems safe to them to do that.
They also confuse themselves by taking a simple rule and stretching it to higher dimensions until it makes no sense to them, or by taking an abstract concept and trying to make it tangible to such a degree that the abstract concept is totally lost.
In the mental plane there is a mechanism which is called translation. Translation relates the abstract and concrete minds, and makes the concrete concepts meaningful to the abstract mind and the abstract concepts meaningful to the concrete mind. Also, it makes one see the abstract indications of a concrete thought, and tangible and practical applications of an abstract thought.
Drug users damage their mechanism and lose their balance between their two minds. The continuity of circulation of meaning from one mechanism to another is disturbed, and the person acts in extremes. Often he is abstracted, and other times he is identified with material values – which a minute later do not make sense to him.”
-Torkom Saraydarian
Leadership. vol.4
This is just one example of the harmful effects of drugs. Another effect is the influence of lower Astral entities and Parasites that attempt to possess us when our Etheric and astral webs of our energy centers are burned once drugs are used. This is also the reason the drug user temporarily becomes a clairvoyant through the use of drugs. Once the webs are burned all the impressions from the Astral plane enters the individual. But, since the user is not a trained Clairvoyant this only does more damage. This is because a true Clairvoyant never artificially burns the webs of their Energy Centres. A clairvoyant learns to open and close these Etheric and astral webs through scientific methods of Esoteric Awakening. A drug user on the other hand permanently burns these webs doing great damage to his mechanism. This makes him/her prone to all forms of hallucinating Astral influences and in many cases obsession and possession ensues.
“204. Fools assume that thought can be strengthened by the use of narcotics, but the mental spasms that result do not contribute to evolution. Even the emanations of drugs attract dangerous entities, which pick up fragments of thought and weave harmful tissue out of them. Everyone can remember how their useful thoughts were sometimes distorted. Look for the cause in your surroundings, and you will surely find it.”
– Supermundane
Master Morya through Helena Roerich
Similar things have been confirmed by C.W Leadbeater the clairvoyant of the Theosophical society:
“[Drugs] bring again into the physical consciousness indiscriminate impressions from the astral world. These come generally from the lower part of the plane, in which are aggregated all the astral matter and all the elemental essence concerned with exciting the lower passions and impulses. Sometimes they come from slightly higher regions of sensuous delight . . . but these are scarcely better than the others.”
– CW Leadbeater
Leadbeater, Talks, 2:34
Regarding the spiritual experience many people speak about through the means of drugs (Cannabis, Ayahuasca etc), we want to just elucidate a simple fact that drugs give illusory pleasures which create hallucinations contrary to the natural spiritual development of meditation. The spiritual experience derived from drugs is pure illusory Astralism which vanishes in thin air once the drugs are no longer used for a duration of time. The spiritual development acquired from meditation on the contrary is a permanent asset of the soul that does not go away and which is not dependent on an external object. Moreover, once drugs burn our Etheric webs and destroy the mechanism of translation by creating cleavages in our psyche, meditation becomes a dangerous practice. This is also the reason a drug user is always at the mercy of drugs for getting a spiritual experience. An Esoteric disciple on the other hand naturally acquires a permanent spiritual experience without any form of illusion through scientific meditation and pure living. It is an undeniable fact that one can never call oneself liberated while one is dependent on an external object for one’s spiritual development. So through no amount of logic can it be affirmed that drugs liberates us in any way.
V.M Samael Aun Weor, the modern founder of the Gnostic movement wrote this when drugs were used by certain mistaken hippies as a tool for Meditation:
“Specifically, we will state: psychedelia is the antithesis of Meditation. The inferno of drugs is within the interior of the planetary organism on which we live, under the very epidermis of the terrestrial crust. Hallucinatory mushrooms, L.S.D., pills, marijuana, etc., evidently intensify the vibratory capacity of the subjective powers, but it is clear that they could never originate the awakening of the Consciousness.
Psychedelic drugs fundamentally alter the sexual genes and this is already scientifically demonstrated. The birth of monstrous children is evidence of the sequence of such negative, genetic mutations. Meditation and psychedelia are incompatible, opposite, and antagonistic. They can never be mixed. Unquestionably, these two factors of the Dionysian inebriation refer to and indicate psychological rebellion.
Gnostics and hippies were annoyed with the vain intellectualism of Mammon. They were bored with so many theories. They arrived at the conclusion that the mind, as an instrument of investigation, is abundantly miserable… Zen? Jnana Yoga ? These are superlative. Faculties of cognition that are infinitely superior to the mind exist in a latent state within us. We can experience that which is the Reality, that which is not of time, in a direct way, by means of these faculties. Unfortunately, the hippie movement preferred the inferno of drugs. Indubitably, they defined themselves perversely.
We, the Gnostics , plainly disappointed with the stubborn intellectualism of Mammon, drink the wine of Meditationfrom the cup of perfect concentration.”
– Samael Aun Weor, The Three Mountains