- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
A Road to Self Knowledge
- ₹400.00
- A Road to Self Knowledge takes an extensive look into how to achieve greater self-knowledge, and is highly recommended for inclusion on the bookshelf of anyone with an interest in the subject. Contains eight meditations. Author Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian scientist, philosopher and artist who lived from 1861-1925. His interests were not only in education, but also in a wide…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
A Textbook Of Theosophy
- ₹350.00
- We often speak of Theosophy as not in itself a religion, but the truth which lies behind all religions alike. That is so; yet, from another point of view, we may surely say that it is at once a philosophy, a religion and a science. It is a philosophy, because it puts plainly before us an explanation of the scheme…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy by Yogi Ramachraka
- ₹500.00
- CONTENTS Some Light on the Path More Light on the Path Spiritual Consciousness The Voice of the Silence Karma Yoga Gnani Yoga Bhakti Yoga Dharma More about Dharma The Riddle of the Universe Matter and Force Mind and Spirit
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
An Introduction to the Study of the Kabalah
- ₹350.00
- Students of literature, philosophy and religion who have any sympathy with the Occult Sciences may well pay some attention to the Kabalah of the Hebrew Rabbis of olden times; for whatever faith may be held by the enquirer he will gain not only knowledge, but also will broaden his views of life and destiny, by comparing other forms of religion…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
An introduction to the study of the Tarot
- ₹400.00
- Paul Foster Case (1884-1954) was one of the most respected of the American occultists in the early 20th century. "An Introduction to the Study of Tarot" was originally published in 1920 and has been a leading introductory guide for all with an interest in the Tarot.
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
An Outline of Occult Science
- ₹650.00
- Occult Science is Rudolf Steiner's term for the ancient Way of Initiation, and in this book he shows that an objective description of the spiritual experience, (one quite as balanced as the findings of external science), is both possible and attainable. Material scientists pour scorn on the idea of other spiritual worlds, but it is unreasonable to expect that instruments…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Clairvoyance & Occult Powers by William Walker Atkinson
- ₹550.00
- In this book the author, William Walker Atkinson, introduces and explains many aspects of Occult Hindu philosophy, including telepathy, mind reading, clairvoyance, prevision, astral body traveling, clairvoyance, crystal gazing, healing, laws of attraction, etc.
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Clairvoyance by CW Leadbeater
- ₹400.00
- Clairvoyance is a book by Leadbeater originally published in 1899 in London. It is a book on what is Clairvoyance, some hints on how to develop clairvoyance. In this short book, Leadbeater guides the reader into the world of Clairvoyant perception. Many misconceptions regarding the use, power and mechanism of Clairvoyant vision is demystified. Author Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854–1934) was…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Esoteric Christianity
- ₹450.00
- Christianity, having lost its mystic and esoteric teaching, Annie Besant elucidates the inner teachings in Christianity in this beautifully written Theosophical classic. Since the advent of Christianity many sects have emerged and the teachings have been distorted and is often misunderstood. In this book they author takes you in a journey where many deeper aspects of Christianity is being revealed. Highly…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Esoteric Christianity & Imitation of Christ Book Set
- ₹850.00
- Two must read books for the season of Christmas. Study the Esoteric aspects of Christianity from the deep Theosophical wisdom from Annie Besant. Learn the inner teachings behind many of Christian teachings and rituals in the book Esoteric Christianity. Study about the humble path of imitating the Great teacher of Humanity, the Christ. Probably one of the most classical works…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Gleanings of a Mystic by Max Heindel
- ₹450.00
- Chapter I Initiation: What It Is and Is Not—Part I. Chapter II Initiation: What It Is and Is Not—Part II. Chapter III The Sacrament of Communion—Part I Chapter IV The Sacrament of Communion—Part II. Chapter V The Sacrament of Baptism Chapter VI The Sacrament of Marriage. Chapter VII The Unpardonable Sin and Lost Souls Chapter VIII The Immaculate Conception. Chapter…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
How Theosophy Came to Me: An Autobiography by Leadbeater
- ₹400.00
- An Autobiographical reflection by Theosophist C.W Leadbeater. Some passages from the book: "It was in Madame Blavatsky’s room in that hotel that I first saw one of the members of the Brotherhood. While sitting on the floor at her feet, sorting out some papers for her, I was startled to see standing between us a man who had certainly not…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
How to Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
- ₹450.00
- This is a new edition of this Esoteric Classic!!!! This is the classic account of the modern Western esoteric path of initiation made public by Steiner in 1904. He begins with the premise that "the capacities by which we can gain insights into the higher worlds lie dormant within each one of us." Steiner carefully and precisely leads the reader…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Light On The Path With Commentary
- ₹550.00
- The first edition of this book was published in 1885, and on its title page it was described as 'A treatise written for the personal use of those who are ignorant of the Eastern Wisdom and who desire to enter within its influence.' The book is said to be of very ancient origin, written in an archaic form of Sanskrit.…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Meditation On Twin Hearts Booklet
- ₹65.00
- This is a small booklet containing the Meditation on Twin Hearts chapter from Master Choa Kok Sui's book The Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Healing. You can buy this booklet and give it to others when teaching them the Meditation on Twin Hearts. “The Planetary Meditation for Peace (also known as Meditation on Twin Hearts) is a VERY POWERFUL TOOL …
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Meditations for People in Charge by Paul Brunton
- ₹125.00
- If your authority touches lives or influences minds - or if youêre close to someone whose does - this book is a great gift. It's full of accessible, handy, and inspiring wisdom for - parents - teachers - business executives - political administration - leaders of organizations - doctors - lawyers - religious leaders and counselors - military leaders and…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Meditations for People in Crisis by Paul Brunton
- ₹125.00
- Considering the being itself as the centre of happiness, the author describes the stages of awakening that pave the way of fulfillment. He urges the troubled to shed off their gravest inhibitions and graciously acknowledge the self. Only we can attempt an opening to our hearts and mind. For those in Crisis or with someone close in turbulent times ã…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Mystics of Renaissance
- ₹400.00
- From the Foreword: 'The matter which I am laying before the public in this book formed the content of lectures which I delivered during last winter at the Theosophical Library in Berlin. I had been requested by Grafin and Graf Brockdorff ‘to speak upon Mysticism before an audience for whom the matters thus dealt with constitute a vital question of…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Occult Principles Of Health And Healing
- ₹500.00
- A compilation of material concerning the health and healing of the human organism, as considered from the occult viewpoint. Part 1: Man And His Vehicles; Part 2. Disease; Part 3. Healing; Part 4. There Is No Death. Author Max Heindel (born Carl Louis von Grasshoff, July 23, 1865 – January 6, 1919) was a Danish-American Christian occultist, astrologer, Rosicrucian initiate and…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
- ₹500.00
- This is an advanced course on Tarot Divination by Paul Foster Case. Paul Foster Case was an American occultist of the early 20th century and author of numerous books on occult tarot and Qabalah. Perhaps his greatest contributions to the field of occultism were the lessons he wrote for associate members of Builders of the Adytum.
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Paul Brunton’s Notebook Vol 2: The Quest
- ₹395.00
- This second volume in The Notebooks of Paul Brunton gives timely, candid, immediately useful advice about the promises and pitfalls of spiritual seeking. Drawing creatively and in a thoroughly unique fashion upon philosophical insights of both East and West, Dr. Brunton shows clearly and simply how the daily experiences and difficulties of modern living can be successfully transformed into meaningful…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Paul Brunton’s Notebook Vol. 1: The Timeless Way of Wisdom
- ₹395.00
- This is an inspiring insight into the essence of East-West spiritual philosophy. Going to the heart of virtually every aspect of the spiritual quest, it introduces a major series: The Notebooks of Paul Brnnton. It is a representative survey of more than 7,000 pages of notes withheld by Paul Brunton for posthumous publication. The stilled, introverted, and receptive mind of…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Psychic Self-Defense by Dion Fortune
- ₹550.00
- Written by a practicing occultist and natural psychic, after finding herself the subject of a powerful psychic attack, this is a detailed instruction manual for all who want to understand the nature of Psychic attacks and safeguard themselves from the snares of Black magic.
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books, Torkom Saraydarian Books
Self-Actualization and Self-Mastery
- ₹3,100.00
- An authentic and satisfying life awaits all of us. Torkom provides the roadmap to achieving it in this step-by-step guide to the process of actualizing our true essence, achieving mastery over our life, and conquering the challenges on the path. The book is divided into three sections as follows: Section One is titled “Self-Actualization” and is a collection of lectures…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Self-Healing by Thought Force by William Walker Atkinson
- ₹110.00
- From the first chapter: 'In taking up the question of Self-Healing I should say first, that to me all the various methods of healing by the power of the mind are but different forms of applying the same force. I think that the several practitioners of Suggestive Therapeutics, Mental Science, Christian Science, Faith Cure and all the rest, are using…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Studies in Occultism
- ₹500.00
- A collection of articles from Lucifer, H. P. Blavatsky's magazine, published between 1887-1891. Chapters include: Practical Occultism; Occultism versus the Occult Arts; The Blessings of Publicity; Hypnotism; Black Magic in Science; The Signs of the Times; Psychic and Noetic Action; Kosmic Mind; The Dual Aspect of Wisdom; The Esoteric Character of the Gospels; Astral Bodies, or Doppelgangers; and, Constitution of…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Tao Te Ching
- ₹250.00
- The Tao Te Ching is a classic Chinese text written around the 6th century BC by Lao Tzu (Laozi). While its authorship is debated, the text remains a fundamental building block of Taoism and one of the most influential works of its time. Composed of a series of 81 short poetic sections, each one written in a fluid, ambiguous style,…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Teachings of an Initiate by Max Heindel
- ₹400.00
- This volume of the writings of Max Heindel is a series of messages he sent out through monthly lessons to his students. Chapters include: The Days Of Noah And Of Christ; The Sign Of The Master; What Is Spiritual Work?; The Way Of Wisdom; The Secret Of Success; The Death Of The Soul; The New Sense Of The New Age;…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Ancient Wisdom by Annie Besant
- ₹475.00
- Chapters include: The Physical Plane; The Astral Plane; Kamaloka; The Mental Plane; Devachan; The Buddhic and Nirvanic Planes; Reincarnation; Karma; The Law Of Sacrifice; Man's Ascent; and, Building a Kosmos.
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Astral Plane
- ₹400.00
- The Astral Plane by C.W.Leadbeater, a member of Theosophical society, in a wonderful insight into the unseen world and the dynamics of our universe. On this guided tour of one of the various planes of the universe, you'll meet black magicians, vampires, werewolves, elemental essences, fairies, and angels. You'll encounter phenomena including churchyard ghosts, mysterious bell ringing, clairvoyance, second sight,…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Great Invocation Booklet
- ₹120.00
- A small booklet on the Great Invocation from the works of Torkom Saraydarian.
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Great Rebellion
- ₹500.00
- The Great Rebellion, The State Of Our World And How To Change It Through Practical Spirituality, contains ways to resist the evils and temptations of the modern world through spiritual means. The Great Rebellion explains how all of the problems we encounter outside, come from within us. And how to deal with them through understanding ourselves. AUTHOR Samael Aun Weor (which…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Hidden Life in Freemasonry
- ₹550.00
- Fully illustrated. Chapters include: The Lodge; The Fittings Of The Lodge; Preliminary Ceremonies; The Opening Of The Lodge; Initiation; The Second Degree; The Third Degree; The Higher Degrees; Two Wonderful Rituals; and, Closing The Lodge. Author Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854–1934) was a highly developed clairvoyant who unfolded and perfected his psychic faculties under the guidance of his Adept-Teacher. He commenced clairvoyant…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Hidden Side of Things
- ₹550.00
- Written by Theosophist CW Leadbeater. This book is one of his major works. 25 Chapters, split into 5 sections; Introductory; How we are Influenced; How we Influence Ourselves; How we Influence Others; and, Conclusion. 'The term 'occultism' is one which has been much misunderstood. In the mind of the ignorant it was, even recently, synonymous with magic, and its students…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
THE HUMAN AURA by William Walker Atkinson
- ₹110.00
- Learn what an aura is and how to cleanse and revitalize it as an important aspect of our emotional, psychological and physical health. In parapsychology and many forms of spiritual practice, an aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object (like the halo or aureola in religious art). The depiction of such an aura often…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Imitation of Christ
- ₹450.00
- The Imitation of Christ is a Christian devotional book. It was first composed in Latin. It is a handbook for spiritual life arising from the Devotio Moderna movement, where Kempis was a member. The Imitation is perhaps the most widely read devotional work next to the Bible, and is regarded as a devotional and religious classic. Apart from the Bible,…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The initiates of the Flame
- ₹350.00
- Few realize that even at the present stage of civilization in this world, there are souls who, like the priests of the ancient temples, walk the earth and watch and guard the sacred fires that burn upon the altar of humanity. Purified ones they are, who have renounced the life of this sphere in order to guard and protect the…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Inner Life by CW Leadbeater
- ₹395.00
- The talks which comprise this book, The Inner Life were given to students of Leadbeater and Annie Besant, his close associate and fellow clairvoyant. Leadbeater assumed that his audience was thoroughly familiar with his enlarged world view. In this new edition it seems necessary to sketch out some of the main features of this view, to make the book easily…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Key To Theosophy
- ₹550.00
- The Key to Theosophy is an 1889 book by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, expounding the principles of theosophy in a readable question-and-answer manner. It covers Theosophy and the Theosophical Society, Nature of the Human Being, Life After Death, Reincarnation, Kama-Loka and Devachan, the Human Mind, Practical Theosophy and the Mahatmas. The book is an introduction to Theosophical mysticism and esoteric doctrine.…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Masters and the Path to Occultism (Theosophy)
- ₹150.00
- The Masters and the Path of Occultism is a book by Theosophist Gottfried de Purucker. Chapters include; Who Are the Masters?; How the Masters Obtain Their Wisdom; Teachings of the Masters; The Secret Doctrine of the Ages; What Is Occultism?; The Mystery-Schools and Initiation; and, The Sacred Seasons.
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune
- ₹550.00
- Dion Fortune's classic, The Mystical Qabalah, explores all aspects of the Qabalah, including the esoteric sciences of astrology and tarot, which form the basis of the Western Mystery Traditions. It provides a key to the practical working of this mystical system for both novice and initiate alike.
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Ocean of Theosophy
- ₹350.00
- In the early 1890's William Q. Judge recognized the need for a literature on theosophy that could be readily understood by all. He responded with a series of newspaper articles that were soon published in book form as The Ocean of Theosophy. Providing a concise yet comprehensive survey of the basic teachings, it clarifies such topics as reincarnation and karma;…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception
- ₹1,200.00
- The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception or Mystic Christianity (also known as Western Wisdom Teachings) is a Rosicrucian text by Max Heindel, first published in 1909. The author talks about the true man and his journey through involution, spiritual evolution and epigenesis, presenting practical methods to help the development of latent potentials in each one of us and how to transmute our latency…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Rosicrucian Mysteries
- ₹400.00
- Max Heindel's mysticism is set firmly in the western tradition of the Gnosis. Following a series of disappointments and ill health, Heindel claims to have been visited by a Spiritual Being, who he identified as an Elder Brother of the Rosicrucian Order. From this entity he received a compelling explanation of the spiritual evolution of both the Cosmos and Humanity,…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians
- ₹500.00
- Writing as Magus Incognito, William Walker Atkinson reintroduces a new generation of readers to the Rosicrucian ideals, as well as to a myriad of connections between occult concepts as varied as alchemy, reincarnation, the astral plane, auras, Eastern and Western mysticism, and the "evolution of mankind" among seven esoteric versions of planets in our solar system. Magus Incognito, the Unknown…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Secret Teachings of All Ages
- ₹1,100.00
- The full title of the book is An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy: Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings concealed within the Rituals, Allegories and Mysteries of all Ages. The Secret Teachings of All Ages is an encyclopaedia on various occult topics by Manly P. Hall. This book delves into the topics of the Qabbala, Alchemy, Tarot, Ceremonial…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Sufi Message Vol 1 by Hazrat Inayat Khan
- ₹795.00
- The Way of Illumination inspires the reader with its Sufi philosophy, cast in a modern and universal form, on the purpose of life, the inner side of life in conjunction with life in the world. It sheds light on the essence of our nature, being of Divine origin. Hints are given as to what and how the Sufi way, with…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Symbolism of Tarot
- ₹350.00
- Author P.D. Ouspensky was a leading and influential figure in occult and mystical thought and philosophy, most famous for his seminal work, Tertium Organum. He was a student of Russian Master George Gurdjieff. Here he delves into the mystical symbolism of the Major Arcana of the tarot; this book reads more like poetry than a 'how to' book, and will…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Theosophical Glossary
- ₹550.00
- The Theosophical Glossary by Helena Blavatsky was first published in 1892. Some other important theosophical glossaries are the Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary by Gottfried de Purucker and the Collation of Theosophical Glossaries. This book defines most of the Theosophical terms like the definition of "astral body, monad", then what is "Manvantara, Dhyani Chohans" etc etc. All these Theosophical terms are arranged…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Voice of the Silence
- ₹350.00
- The Voice of the Silence is a book by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. It was written in Fontainebleau and first published in 1889. According to Blavatsky, it is a translation of fragments from a sacred book she encountered during her studies in the East, called "The Book of the Golden Precepts". AUTHOR Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) was a Russian Occultist and the founder…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Wisdom of the Upanishats
- ₹350.00
- This book is comprised of four lectures delivered at the thirty-first anniversary meeting of the Theosophical Society, at Adyar, December, 1906 by Annie Besant. Author Annie Besant was a British socialist, Theosophist, women's rights activist, writer, orator, educationist, and philanthropist. Regarded as a champion of human freedom, she was an ardent supporter of both Irish and Indian self-rule. She was…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, An Interpretation
- ₹300.00
- The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali are a collection of 196 Indian sūtras (aphorisms) that constitute the foundational text of Yoga. Although the Yoga Sutras have become the most important text of Yoga, the opinion of many scholars is that Patañjali was not the creator of Yoga, which existed well before him.
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Theories of the Chakras : Bridge to Higher Consciousness
- ₹450.00
- It is an outstanding book from both the scientific and spiritual points of view. It is the unique record of the pioneering experiments which presents clear, electro-physiological evidence of the existence of the network of chakras and nadis which form the infra-structure of the subtle energies existing in the pranic and psychic dimensions, which underlie and activate the physical, material…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Theosophy by Annie Besant
- ₹350.00
- A book about all aspects of Theosophy; Theosophy As Science; Theosophy As Morality And Art; Theosophy As Philosophy; Theosophy As Religion; Theosophy Applied To Social Problems; A Few Details About Systems And Worlds; and, The Theosophical Society.
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Theosophy by Rudolf Steiner
- ₹450.00
- A clear, concise explanation of human nature; the worlds of body, soul, and spirit; the laws of reincarnation; and the workings of karma. It is a key work for gaining a solid footing in spiritual reality as described by Rudolf Steiner. Organized into four parts. First, Steiner builds a comprehensive understanding of human nature: physical bodily nature; soul qualities; spirit…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology
- ₹450.00
- This book begins by asking the questions, “Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? What are we living for? Why are we living?” The answers to these questions can be discovered if one knows where and how to look. This is a Classic book on Esotericism by the Gnostic Master V.M Samael Aun Weor. In…
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- Theosophy & Esoteric Books
What is Karma? By Paul Brunton
- ₹175.00
- Karma is a household word by now. Often spoken with sarcasm or heard with scorn in intelligent circles. Especially by energetic self-actualizers, who associate it with passivity or hear it as an excuse for laziness or fear of responsibility. Sometimes sighed in real or affected resignation to "God's will." The term –karma” in its original reference includes mental actions. Karma…
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