When does Kriya Shakti Become Black Magic?

Kriya shakti is an authentic science. But, it is not meant for selfish use. The art and science of manifestation using thoughtforms is known as Kriya Shakti. It is one of the esoteric powers every initiate possesses but there is an eternal law, “Thou shalt not prostitute esoteric science for self-aggrandizement”. Those who do, convert themselves into black magicians. 

Now black magic is very prevalent in our society today. Most ordinary supposedly good and just human being is under the unconscious influence of black magic. Our society has become perverted and we no longer see the subtle acts of black magic as evil. To understand the misuse of kriya shakti power, we must first have a glance at the definition of black magic.

“The most dangerous form of black magic is the scientific perversion of occult power for the gratification of personal desire. Its less complex and more universal form is human selfishness, for selfishness is the fundamental cause of all worldly evil.” – MANLY P HALL 

In other words, when we use spiritual powers selfishly for personal self-aggrandizement, it becomes black magic. And this is a fact and not some opinion of an altruistic author. If we study A Treatise on White Magic by Alice Bailey, they definition becomes more clearer. She explains a white magician works from above to below while a black magician works from below to above. 

The white magician seeks the kingdom of God and his righteousness first and all other things he needs is added based on the dint of his merit. The black magician on the other hand seeks material power, position and money first and manipulates spiritual energy to have more advantage on material affairs than other ordinary human beings who are not trained in occult science.

The greatest ally of Black magic according to esoteric science is human selfishness. For this very reason, altruism, selflessness, self-denial, self-forgetfulness is considered the very foundation of esoteric teachings. Those who misuse this sacred science to take advantage over others convert themselves into black magicians. As H.P Blavatsky explains, 

““Beneficent Magic”, so called, is divine magic, devoid of selfishness, love of power, of ambition or lucre, and bent only on doing good, to the world in general and one’s neighbour in particular. The smallest attempt to use one’s powers for the gratification of self makes of these powers sorcery or black magic.”
– H. P Blavatsky
The Theosophical Glossary 
Some aspirants who habitually use Kriya Shakti for materializing a new car, a new partner, a new job, money, properties etc may find this shocking. Some may even argue materializing something for oneself is not selfish. But, if we study the laws of nature, the matter becomes more clear. Firstly an ordinary human being does not have training in esoteric science. If an esoteric aspirant uses spiritual powers to materialize money, power, it becomes an unfair advantage over ordinary people who don’t use spiritual science in this manner. People who are nevertheless honest and hardworking people. For instance using this power in a competitive job examination becomes a very grave example of cheating. While it is not cheating in the temporal plane, it is however cheating using occult arts. 
Now we all have needs. Financial needs, a good clean home, good food, clothes etc. Demanding these things is indeed not selfish. But very few are ready to acquire these things based on merit and hard work. That’s where we have the problem. Fulfilling our needs through merit and hard work is something we all should seek to attain, instead of taking short cuts, detours and easy ways. To use Kriya Shakti to have a prosperous aura and use it to serve humanity isn’t bad either. But, seldom do students use it in this manner. Some may even lie to themselves that their motive is altruistic while using Kriya Shakti in the most selfish way possible.

Kriyashakti should not be taught to students unless they demonstrate purity of thoughts, selflessness in purpose and altruism in action. Teachers who do such things become responsible for the misuse their students carry out while blindly following the teachings. In the 21 century many esoteric organizations practice black magic unknowingly. Most of the times the students are blissfully unaware of the abominations they are perpetrating using their own thoughts. 

“The use of Occultism for the gratification of personal ends constitutes black magic.” 

– Manly P Hall, Spiritual Centres in Man  

Such students often becomes apologists of their teacher, who under good motive might have made a small mistake. Using the science and art of apologetics, these students carry on with their wrong ways, resisting those who point out their mistaken ways. Seeing them as enemies rather than seeing them as well meaning knowledgeable occultists warning a brother who is falling from the path.

Painiting @Grev Kafi
Is it Black Magic for a salesman to influence someone to buy something?
“Answer: It is. It is black magic to in any way influence the mind of a person without giving him the conscious opportunity to combat that influence, and the result of a decision influenced by you will bring with it a karmic debt which you must shoulder. It is black magic for one person in any way unconsciously to another to influe’nce him by the power of mind.
All personal uses of superphysical or mental power for the attainment of personal ends is criminal.”
– Manly P Hall 
According to sacred esoteric teachings, Kriya Shakti is a sacred art of manifestation. And only those who use the power of Kriya Shakti in the most benevolent way, for the service of humanity truly possess the sacred gift of materialization using thoughts.  
”There is a vital connection betweenKriyashakti, the creative potency of self-conscious thought, and Kamadeva, the Rig Vedic deity of compassion. At the highest metaphysical level, Kriyashaktiis continuous with the most primal currents of cosmic creativity and impulsion.
This supreme potency of self-conscious thought is capable of bodying forth from the most sublime states of transcendental awareness an unbroken stream of emanations that may serve as sources of strength for all aspirants on lower planes of consciousness. Like all the mighty shakti powers hidden in the constitution of man, Kriyashakti can be fully aroused and made active only out of the most compassionate and universal motives. The divine imagination can be awakened only in the service of universal good.
This capacity to enact in manifestation an ideal vision of the Agathon is a self-conscious embodiment of the creative compassion of the cosmos symbolized in Kamadeva. Ordinarily, the current of kama is a force that makes for human bondage. This impact of kama, however, is but a shadowy reflection of the cosmic principle of divine creativity and universal compassion.”
Hermes, August 1984
by Raghavan Iyer 
True Kriya shakti is the art of creating Thoughtforms that frees the soul from it’s own cage of limitations and selfishness. It is not an art to make one’s life more materialistic. Some people speak about spiritualized materialism. They use this phrase but they don’t understand what it means. Spiritualized materialism is matter that is used to serve the spirit. Money, fame, possession is good when it is used to serve humanity selflessly. But, bad and evil when used for personal self-aggrandizement. So those who use the phrase spiritualized materialism yet prostitute spirit at the service of matter are practicing materialistic spirituality. Thus one must explore one’s motives whether they are selfish before using a kriya shakti. When Kriya shakti is used to meet one’s WANTS and DESIRES, it becomes unworthy and enters the realm of Black Magic.
In this age of materialism, the misuse of spiritual arts for materialistic outcome is very tempting. Every genuine student who are loyal to the Esoteric Hierarchy must guard themselves from the misuse of sacred arts. They should use powers like Kriya Shakti in the most selfless way possible thereby demonstrating the right way to the students of ageless wisdom. Students who have been in the path for some time now, must be an example so selflessness, sacrificial service and altruism to those who are new to the path. Only then will it be possible to change this pattern which is engulfing that which is sacred. Only though example, selfless actions and right initiative we can change the cancerous state of human selfishness which is entering the realm of spiritual science.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Post cover picture: Inverted pentacle @ Wikimedia 

Attribution: Fibonacci