The Dangers of Pornography and Masturbation
Unlike certain religions that condemn sex as evil, esoteric science views sex as something very sacred. Sex is a natural biological function of every human being. Seeing it as sinful is the cause of much problems today. We should definitely have a positive attitude towards sex. Puritanical towards sex leads to all forms of disorders. While we should not suppress our sexuality or see it as evil, we must avoid the other extreme also. The extreme of indulgence.
We live in a society where sex is vulgar. Sex is being used day and night to sell products, enslave human beings, prostitution etc. The sex industry is worth trillions of dollars. The greatest victim of this industry are women. Pornography is easily accessible to everyone and masturbation is quite common in our society.
Desecration of sexual life force began around the middle of the last century and has reached enormous proportion today.
In the past Sex used to be repressed which is another evil. Today sex is expressed but in the most perverted fashion. According to esoteric science perversion and desecration of sexual life force leads to all forms of disorders, weaknesses and psychological troubles. Considering the alarming increase in nervous diseases and psychological troubles in our society, we can conclude the damage pornography and masturbation is doing to our lives.
In esoteric science, sex energy is considered to be vital energy of our body. One orgasm is equal to many liters of blood. A fool who expels his sexual life force by engaging in practices like that of watching pornography, masturbation, desecrates something which is vital to his spiritual development. As torkom Saraydarian says,
“When a person wastes sexual energy, he depletes love energy. This leads to depression, failure, destructive activities, irresponsibility, degenerative diseases, and even suicide. With a mind bereft of health, sanity and balance, the person introduces anti-survival directions into the seven fields of human endeavour. Politics becomes corrupted. Education is reduced to manipulation. Communication becomes a science of cleavages. Art falls into prostitution. Religion turns into fanaticism. Economics creates deficits and depression.”
-Torkom Saraydarian; Sex, Family and the Woman in Society
In every esoteric schools, sexual control is therefore considered pivotal to one’s spiritual development. While the disciples are never taught to be celibate, they are guided carefully in self-control. Having the right partner and having a healthy sexual relationship with the right person is something very healthy and beautiful. But, desecrating the sexual energy via masturbation is wastage of precious energy one needs for spiritual development.
There’s a difference between masturbation and sex. They are not the same. When a man and woman engages in sex act, there is an exchange of sexual energy. Both of them circulate energy with each other. That becomes impossible when one masturbates. In masturbation the male or female energy is not balanced by the energy of the opposite sex. And, by the power of vivid imagination one’s sexual organ is overstimulated, leading to an enormous loss of sexual energy.
“The feverish excitement you feel when you are about to have sex indicates the enormous energy loss that is about to happen.”
– Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov; Sexual Force, or the Winged Dragon
When a man masturbates while watching porn, another complicated situation takes place. Too much pressure is put on the brain and the person indulging in pleasures generates low quality lustful thought forms that obsess and possess him after he has reached orgasm. This is one of the reason people who watch porn have a hard time to give it up. It becomes a same problem like cigarettes and alcohol.
Pornographic imagination also makes the mind dull and leads to squandering of low quality thoughtforms outside of the person’s aura. This not only harms the person who is watching porn, but also obsesses other people who have similar tendencies. Thought forms are powerful and the world, especially big cities are filled with low quality pornographic thoughtforms that encourage sexual crimes, perversions and other psychic maladies.
Men and women who masturbate and watch porn think they are innocent and their actions are only related to their bodies. But, that is not true if we take the state of the astral and mental planes into consideration. Their lustful thoughts, which they generate not only affect themselves but also affect others who have lustful tendencies in them. Their thought forms also attract negative entities that feast in their aura and encourage more perversions. Millions of women all over the world are victims of sex trafficking, pornography, prostitution etc. And, this trend is growing at an alarming rate. By watching porn, the viewers are also indirectly sponsoring these activities, they will pay karmic penalty as a result in future.
“…spectators contemplate actors performing pornographic scenes… Then, in the mental plane, the psychological “I” of every person intervenes by creating mental living effigies [succubi, incubi] that become absolute replicas of the stage images, which captivated the retina and the ear of the spectator. These effigies are endowed with consciousness and become true “mental demons” which (during the hours of normal sleep) fornicate repeatedly with the spectator’s mind. Obviously, this causes nocturnal pollutions (wet dreams)…”
—Samael Aun Weor, Logos Mantra Theurgy
In the ancient times, women used to be respected and worshipped. Today we have reduced them to merely an object of pleasure and comfort. And sadly even many women contribute to this condition we’re living in. In the medieval times, women used to be a victim of great cruelty and violence. Today that has passed, but perversion has turned women into mere sex objects. So people who watch porn and masturbate must take a different course of life. They should take Spiritual Sex Education to transform their life. Esoteric Science can be a life changing factor when it relates to sex.
Esoteric Science teaches, sex is sacred and healthy. But, it must be transformed into spiritual realization, creativity and intellectual development. On the physical level sex energy helps in procreation. On an emotional level that same sex energy can be transformed into sweetness, gentleness, meekness and mercy. On a mental level it can be transformed into intellectual culture, philosophical impulses, sense of rationality etc. On a creative level it can help us write great books, paint masterpieces, sing melodious tunes and do all acts of great creativity. And, on a spiritual level sexual energy can be used to awaken clairvoyance, awaken the kundalini and much more. All this is possible when we live a healthy chaste life. When we engage in healthy sexual relationships under moderation and refrain from wastage. As Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui has said,
Esoteric science is not against the healthy sexual relationship between man and woman. It is against the perverted expression of sexuality that has desecrated this sacred life force. Celibacy is not enforced anywhere in the esoteric schools. Many initiates are married people. Marriage and having the right partner in one’s life is sacred and everyone should look for this beautiful experience rather then destroying themselves through masturbation. Sex is sacred, marriage is sacred and having a loving partner is sacred also.
“Sex energy is from heaven but in most people flows down to the genitals. the sage circulates it back to heaven.”
– Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov ; Sexual Force, or the Winged Dragon
The fall from the Garden of Eden (symbolically) happened due to the misuse of sex force. Now we can re-enter the Eden’s gate by economically using our sexual energy.
Those who want to solve their sexual health problems will enormously benefit by reading the following books and applying the teachings in their lives:
- Spiritual Essence of Man by Master Choa Kok Sui
- Sex Family and Woman in Society by Torkom Saraydarian
- Love and Sexuality Vol I & II by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
- Sexual Force and the Winged Dragon by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
- A Compilation on Sex by Alice Bailey
"Those engaged in higher creative work and abstract thinking must conserve sexual energy. They will then notice how creativity, understanding and higher inspiration are developing successfully. If sexual energy is saved or economically used, it helps to develop the personality."
Torkom Saraydarian