The Great Rebellion


The Great Rebellion, The State Of Our World And How To Change It Through Practical Spirituality, contains ways to resist the evils and temptations of the modern world through spiritual means. The Great Rebellion explains how all of the problems we encounter outside, come from within us. And how to deal with them through understanding ourselves.


Samael Aun Weor (which is a Hebrew name) wrote over sixty books, gave thousands of lectures, and formed the worldwide Gnostic Movement, whose members number in the millions. Though these accomplishments are certainly impressive by any standard, they are merely the pale terrestrial reflection of the work he accomplished internally, spiritually. And yet, in spite of his wisdom and generosity towards mankind, he said:

Do not follow me. I am just a signpost. Reach your own Self-realization

His lifelong mission was to deliver to humanity the complete path toward the realization of the inner Being, or in other words, the total and exact science required by anyone of any religion, race, culture or creed who wishes to fully and completely develop the human soul. The path he taught is the Path of the Bodhisattva, that mysterious and ancient wisdom long hidden in the bosom of every great religion.

For more information about his teachings, please visit:

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1 in stock

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Weight 300 kg

Approx 110 Pages

