Sex Family and Women in Society


A magnificent book that challenges all the notions of modern day marriage and relationships.  Turns many of our beliefs about family life and sexual relations upside down and lets us see the spiritual, the deep, the esoteric side of why and how we form relationships.

A good marriage teaches us how to unite in Mystic Marriage, the unification of the individual with the Solar Angel. A good marriage and good family life are the basic components of developing sacred relationships.

This book teaches about controlling our sexual urges, to remember the rights of our partner, to respect the rights of the unborn child, to learn how to have harmonious sex with respect toward our partner, how to deal with issues of male and female roles in the marriage, and how to develop the constructive roles of mothers and fathers, and much more.

The Teaching contained in this book is revolutionary. It is intended to help clear many low-level, ugly, and confused thoughtforms about sex and marriage that are floating all over the world and creating distress for humanity. The mental, emotional, and etheric airwaves in space are polluted with destructive images of women and men and their relationships.

“Images of sexual violence, rape, pornography, desire, fear, hatred, revenge, divorce, and greed are being broadcast every minute by millions of people. These images affect the thoughts and feelings of men and women around the world, damaging not only the quality of their individual relationships but also the health of their children and future generations, as well as the politics and health of nations.

“Whether people are young, middle-aged, or elderly, such mental and emotional pictures enter their imaginations and drive them into activities in which they would not normally participate.”

We are controlled and manipulated by false beliefs, false advertising, false images of what we should feel and what we should do. These images create crises and damage our family lives. It is the most crucial time in the history of our planet to take an honest look at why we get married, why we have children, how to stay married and bring up the most beautiful future citizens of the planet, and how to serve and expand in our soul as a result of our marriage.

You can marry just about anyone and stay happily married if you know what it takes to create a harmonious home life.

Topics Include:

  • Philosophy of love and sex
  • Rights of the Unborn Child
  • How men & women affect each other
  • How to find the best partner
  • Education of children
  • Building family unity and protecting your family
  • What love does
  • Duties of Grandparents (new Chapter added to 2nd Edition)


Torkom Saraydarian (1917–1997) was an Armenian-American musician and spiritual author. He was born in Turkey of Armenian parents. Since childhood he was trained in the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom under the guidance of his father.
He visited monasteries, temples and mystery schools seeking answers to his questions about the mystery of man and the universe. He was musically trained and played the violin, piano, oud, cello and guitar. He composed hundreds of musical pieces.
His works represent a synthesis of sacred culture of the world by creating a truly universal approach to spirituality. His written legacy spans over 170 books (half of which have been published), hundreds of musical pieces and lectures.
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