Dialogue with Christ (2nd, Revised Edition)


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This book represents a personal yet universal yearning to contact Christ and understand His true message, Torkom Saraydarian’s questions are our own; his doubts, ours; his anger, ours; his recognition, ours.

This book represents a personal yet universal yearning to contact Christ and understand His true message, Torkom Saraydarian’s questions are our own; his doubts, ours; his anger, ours; his recognition, ours. This dialogue presents a measure, an inspiration, a striving, an expanded sense of spiritual responsibility.

Go on a journey with Torkom and ask the questions that you always wanted to ask a Great One. Then see how the answers are contained in the questions and slowly, slowly, the fog lifts and the clarity of the Teachings of the Great Ones emerges and becomes visible.

A dialogue with a Great One or with your own Soul is a daring enterprise. A dialogue lets the reader enter the very intimate moment where a person of deep philosophical insight “wonders” about what it all means. The reader and the speaker become one – and in a rare moment, the reader has the opportunity to ride the thought-waves of the deep thinker, becoming one with the questions, answers, and realizations.

The dialogue is brief and is designed to cut through the formalities of speech; it goes right through to the heart of the matter and lets the reader experience daring and a fearless approach to truth.

Dialogue with Christ was first published in 1979. This second, revised edition was prepared by Torkom Saraydarian in 1994 with new materials added throughout the text. We are thrilled to be able to re-release this magnificent book.

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