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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
- ₹4,650.00
- Volume 1 defines the relationship that needs to be built between an individual and the Cosmos in order for true transformation to take place. Volume 2 defines what should be the vision and direction of education in the new millennium. Education as Transformation, Vol. I by Torkom Saraydarian Education as Transformation Vol. I is the study of the relationship between the individual and…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
- ₹5,850.00
- Torkom Saraydarian often gave lectures, classes, seminars and instructions on the esoteric science of healing. They were collected and first published in New Dimensions in Healing, a much loved and revered book for years. Now we are proud to present the remaining of his teachings on the science of healing. This book is intended to transform your life through the…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
- ₹5,700.00
- “If our families are built upon high standards, principles, and ideals, then our nation — which is an accumulation of families — will have high standards, principles, and ideals. “Every problem in the world is an exaggeration of family problems. Because we do not have ideal families, we do not have ideal nations. And because our family units are in…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
- ₹1,400.00
- Heart-centered living means understanding, forgiveness, compassion, and tolerance toward the challenges of life. It is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and our loved ones. Learn to develop the virtues of your heart and you will develop a deeply compassionate nature and link to the highest ideals of the spiritual Teachings. This book is about the heart, its virtues,…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
- ₹1,300.00
- Explains the differences between the human soul and the Solar Angel. A clear explanation of the journey of the human soul from being an unconscious Spark to finally becoming the True Self. “In the early stages of our evolution, it is the Soul [the Solar Angel] Who acts as our individuality, and the human soul is almost nonexistent. As our evolution…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
- ₹5,700.00
- The Lotus Sutra says that this is the Teaching that illuminated millions of beings and led them to the path of enlightenment, nirvana, and Buddhahood The entire Lotus Sutra is the Teaching of oneness and an invitation to all beings to reach the realization of oneness. It is the Teaching that the invisible and the visible, the formless and the…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
- ₹700.00
- Hierarchy is composed of those human beings who succeeded in mastering their physical, emotional, and mental natures and expanded their consciousness beyond the mental plane. They operate from the “Mountaintop,” what is referred to in the spiritual field as the Spiritual Triad. The Plan is the formulated program to help humanity reach its Divine potential. This booklet describes the members…
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Out of Stock
- Torkom Saraydarian Books
- ₹550.00
- In Esoteric Literature Irritation is known as Imperil which is very destructive to one's psychic mechanism. This book presents how irritation destroys our nervous system and what steps one can take to free oneself of this destructive fire.
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
- ₹2,000.00
- Learn the real secret of joy and claim the power of joy in your life. When you do and are able to sustain it, life will have a new meaning and deep satisfaction for you. You will heal from your past wounds, enjoy life, and enable yourself to deal with life’s interesting ups and downs. “Joy is a special wisdom,”…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
- ₹2,400.00
- Karma means cause and effect. The law of karma teaches us that everything we do and say and feel creates a result. That result is the life in which we find ourselves. Reincarnation is the process through which the human soul enters into physical existence, or incarnation. We have been born thousands of times and will die and be born…
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- Agni Yoga Books, New Arrivals, Torkom Saraydarian Books
- ₹400.00
- Leaves of Morya's Garden I (The Call) is the first book from the Agni Yoga Series which is composed of fourteen books. In them is found a synthesis of ancient Eastern beliefs and modern Western thought and a bridge between the spiritual and the scientific. Unlike previous yogas, Agni Yoga is a path not of physical disciplines, meditation, or asceticism--but of…
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- Agni Yoga Books, New Arrivals, Torkom Saraydarian Books
- ₹450.00
- Leaves of Morya's Garden II (Illumination) is the second book from the Agni Yoga Series which is composed of fourteen books. In them is found a synthesis of ancient Eastern beliefs and modern Western thought and a bridge between the spiritual and the scientific. Unlike previous yogas, Agni Yoga is a path not of physical disciplines, meditation, or asceticism-but of…
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