Torkom Saraydarian (1917–1997) was an Armenian-American musician and spiritual author. His written legacy spans over 170 books (half of which have been published), hundreds of musical pieces and lectures.
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
Ageless Wisdom by Torkom Saraydarian
- ₹1,600.00
- What is The Ageless Wisdom? How do we know when a teaching is real or not? How do we make sure that what we study is practical and will actually improve our life and our relations? Discover what the Ageless Wisdom Teaching is and how to discern it. Learn how to apply the Teaching in order to live a healthy,…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
Ashrams by Torkom Saraydarian
- ₹2,300.00
- What is an Ashram? How is it built? How is it contacted? What are the inner requirements? A clear-headed Teaching on the topic of Hierarchical Ashrams and their function. Easy to read and easy to understand, yet profoundly deep and moving. Sure to change the way you understand esoteric Teachings. If you want to truly understand how an Ashram functions, …
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
Atma Vidya
- ₹4,100.00
- Atma Vidya means the science of knowing your immortal Self, the eternally present substance in all beings. In this book, Torkom Saraydarian uncovers the mystery of the True Self. Atma Vidya means the science of knowing your immortal Self, the eternally present substance in all beings. In this book, Torkom Saraydarian uncovers the mystery of the True Self. He presents a…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
Avatars by Torkom Saraydarian
- ₹3,000.00
- Torkom Saraydarian lectured and wrote about the subject of Avatars from 1969 to 1996, a total of 27 years! Avatars: Revelations of God is a collection of Torkom’s seminars, lectures, and written materials on the subject of Avatars. The Chapters are arranged in date order so that you can appreciate the unveiling of this mysterious topic. The great mystery which we…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
Battling Dark Forces
- ₹1,900.00
- A clear description of who and what are the dark forces, their origin and purpose. Most importantly, it describes how to avoid tuning into the dark energies of life, how to protect yourself, and how to gain victory over these forces. A recipe for a sane and safe spiritual discipline. Read this book before you start on any serious spiritual…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
Bhagavad Gita – Hardcover By Torkom
- ₹1,600.00
- The Bhagavad Gita is the epic poem contained in the larger allegorical drama, the Mahabharata. The story depicts the personal struggle of the warrior Arjuna when he is faced with the difficult choices of deciding just what in his life needs to be let go and what needs to be embraced. As a response to the warrior's despondency and inability…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
Breakthrough to Higher Psychism
- ₹1,300.00
- Breakthrough To Higher Psychism clearly differentiates what is true higher psychism as compared to lower psychism. Lower psychism consists of mediumship, channeling, and other such practices. Lower psychics are in danger of being controlled by entities, astral corpses, as well as obsession and possession. Higher psychism is the ability to use the developed powers of your soul. You are able…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
Cosmic Shocks
- ₹1,850.00
- Cosmic Shocks shows how it is possible to deal with crises effectively and use them for growth and change. But, we need to understand the sources of crises and learn to respond to them in a totally new way. Life brings us crises and challenges on a daily basis. Spiritual Teachings tell us we need to learn from these crises. How…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
Cosmos In Man (Hardcover)
- ₹2,450.00
- A very good introductory book on basic topics of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, such as searching for wisdom, evolution, the aura, rounds and chains, the Seven Rays, meditation, the Plan, visualizing the Master, Wesak, karma, psychism, mediums, the wisdom of love, Om and AUM, and spiritual sources of energy. "In the grand design of the universe, human destiny is to manifest universal order…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
Dialogue with Christ (2nd, Revised Edition)
- ₹2,350.00
- *** Special Christmas Offer! Buy this book and get a pack of Nature's Garden Lavender Incense free!!!! This book represents a personal yet universal yearning to contact Christ and understand His true message, Torkom Saraydarian’s questions are our own; his doubts, ours; his anger, ours; his recognition, ours. This book represents a personal yet universal yearning to contact Christ and…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
Dynamics of Success by Torkom Saraydarian
- ₹1,400.00
- An integrated teaching for the true and complete meaning of success. The three parts of success must be balanced: physical, material, and spiritual plus the path to overcome specific hindrances to success. There are consistent spiritual keys for true success in all parts of your life. We need to be physically successful and have such things as money, health, a…
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- Torkom Saraydarian Books
Dynamics of the Soul
- ₹2,350.00
- What is the human soul? What is the Soul? What is the Solar Angel? What is the Higher Self and how is it different from the Inner Self? This book is a clear explanation about the growth, development and blooming of the human soul, which is often confused with the Solar Angel or the Soul. The human soul is the indwelling spirit that lives from…
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