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- Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov Books
- ₹690.00
- Summary 'The constellations and planets are the hieroglyphs, the sacred letters which reveal, to those who know how to decipher them, how mankind and the world were created, how they evolve hand in hand and how their inner structure is identical. Every human being who becomes aware of his kinship with the universe begins to feel the need to cultivate…
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- Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov Books
- ₹690.00
- A true Spiritual Master is not only a being who knows the essential truths, who possesses control, domination and self-mastery. He is above all a being who, in his multiple past incarnations, had to make the same experiences, the same mistakes, overcome the same obstacles as us before becoming what he is. That is why he is a reference to…
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- Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov Books
- ₹225.00
- Today new currents, which the author associates with the Age of Aquarius, are beginning to pour into the world, marking the end of a cycle of which we are more or less aware. At a crossroads, young people are already carrying a new world, a new relationship to time and to this form of acceleration of our society. This current…
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- Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov Books
- ₹690.00
- Spirituality teaches us how to “come home”, our original homeland, the source of all creation and provides us with the means to do so. The journey is long, and those who embark on it can go through times of discouragement. This book explains how to keep moving forward, to avoid obstacles, to get up when we fall, living in a…
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