The Theosophical Glossary by Helena Blavatsky was first published in 1892. Some other important theosophical glossaries are the Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary by Gottfried de Purucker and the Collation of Theosophical Glossaries. This book defines most of the Theosophical terms like the definition of "astral body, monad", then what is "Manvantara, Dhyani Chohans" etc etc. All these Theosophical terms are arranged…
The Voice of the Silence is a book by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. It was written in Fontainebleau and first published in 1889. According to Blavatsky, it is a translation of fragments from a sacred book she encountered during her studies in the East, called "The Book of the Golden Precepts". AUTHOR Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) was a Russian Occultist and the founder…
This book is comprised of four lectures delivered at the thirty-first anniversary meeting of the Theosophical Society, at Adyar, December, 1906 by Annie Besant. Author Annie Besant was a British socialist, Theosophist, women's rights activist, writer, orator, educationist, and philanthropist. Regarded as a champion of human freedom, she was an ardent supporter of both Irish and Indian self-rule. She was…
The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali are a collection of 196 Indian sūtras (aphorisms) that constitute the foundational text of Yoga. Although the Yoga Sutras have become the most important text of Yoga, the opinion of many scholars is that Patañjali was not the creator of Yoga, which existed well before him.
It is an outstanding book from both the scientific and spiritual points of view. It is the unique record of the pioneering experiments which presents clear, electro-physiological evidence of the existence of the network of chakras and nadis which form the infra-structure of the subtle energies existing in the pranic and psychic dimensions, which underlie and activate the physical, material…
A book about all aspects of Theosophy; Theosophy As Science; Theosophy As Morality And Art; Theosophy As Philosophy; Theosophy As Religion; Theosophy Applied To Social Problems; A Few Details About Systems And Worlds; and, The Theosophical Society.
A clear, concise explanation of human nature; the worlds of body, soul, and spirit; the laws of reincarnation; and the workings of karma. It is a key work for gaining a solid footing in spiritual reality as described by Rudolf Steiner. Organized into four parts. First, Steiner builds a comprehensive understanding of human nature: physical bodily nature; soul qualities; spirit…
This book begins by asking the questions, “Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? What are we living for? Why are we living?” The answers to these questions can be discovered if one knows where and how to look. This is a Classic book on Esotericism by the Gnostic Master V.M Samael Aun Weor. In…
Karma is a household word by now. Often spoken with sarcasm or heard with scorn in intelligent circles. Especially by energetic self-actualizers, who associate it with passivity or hear it as an excuse for laziness or fear of responsibility. Sometimes sighed in real or affected resignation to "God's will." The term –karma” in its original reference includes mental actions. Karma…