By Alexey Leonov

There is Esoteric as well as Historical evidence that Lord Krishna is crucified. Crucifixion is an universal Initiatic Phenomenon which carries symbolic meaning with it. Lord Krishna/Christna was a Savior of Mankind just like Lord Jesus and Lord Buddha. He is known for his instructions in the Bhagavad Gita which is one of the finest books of Oriental wisdom and conceals in it’s pages both Esotieric and Philosophical wisdom. 

“The Christ of esoteric science is the Christos of Spirit – an impersonal principle
entirely distinct from any carnalised Christ or Jesus.”
[Footnote in response to the Abbe Roca’s “Esotericism of Christian Dogma”]

“Theosophy . . . hushes the “Lo here! and lo there!” and declares the Christ, like
the kingdom of heaven, to be within. . . . With the advent of Theosophy, the
Messiah-craze surely has had its day, and sees its doom.”
[Modern Apostles and Pseudo-Messiahs]

“I write in every letter that a divine Christ (or Christos) has never existed under a
human form outside the imagination of blasphemers who have carnalized a
universal and entirely impersonal principle.”
[Reply to the Mistaken Conceptions of the Abbe Roca concerning my Observations
on Christian Esotericism]

*H.P Blavatsky Collected Writings

The crucifixion of Man in Space is an Esoteric symbol. It has a much deeper meaning than persecution of an enlightened man by the ignorant masses. Just like Lord Krishna fighting the snake Kaliya esoterically means the victory of our inner Christ over the sensual nature, the liberation of kundalini energy stuck in the waters of life (sex chakra), likewise crucifixion has a much deeper meaning. Many of us see crucifixion as something negative, however it is a sign of Great renunciation and victory of our Inner Christ.

Here are some both Historical and Esoteric evidence that Lord Krishna was crucified:


The work of redemption was accomplished, all India felt a younger blood circulate in its veins, everywhere labor was sanctified by prayer, hope and faith warmed all hearts. Christna understood that the hour had come for him to quit the earth, and to return into the bosom of him who had sent him. Forbidding his disciples to follow him, he went, one day, to make his ablutions on the banks of the Ganges and wash out the stains that his mortal envelope might have contracted in the struggles of every nature which he had been obliged to sustain against the partisans of the past. Arrived at the sacred river, he plunged himself three times therein, then, kneeling and looking to heaven, he prayed, expecting death.In this position he was pierced with arrows by one of those whose crimes he had unveiled, and who, hearing of his journey to the Ganges, had, with a strong troop, followed with the design of assasanating him. This man was named Angada. 

According to popular belief condemned, for his crime, to an eternal life on earth, he wanders the banks of the Ganges, having no other food than the remains of the dead, on which he feeds constantly, in company with jackals and other unclean animals.The body of the God-man was suspended to the branches of a tree by his murderer, that it might become the prey of vultures. News of the death having spread, the people came in a crowd conducted by Ardjouna, the dearest of the disciples of Christna, to recover his sacred remains. But the mortal frame of the Redeemer had disappeared — no doubt it had regained the celestial abodes . . . and the tree to which it had been attached had become suddenly covered with great red flowers and diffused around it the sweetest perfumes.Thus ended Christna, victim of the wickedness of those who would not recognize his law, and who had been expelled from amidst the people because of their vices and their hypocrisy. (Bagaveda-Gita and Brahminical traditions.)

~ Louis Jacolliot [translator], The Bible in India: Hindoo Origin of Hebrew and Christian Revelation, [1870 (La Bible Dans L’inde, 1869], pp. 253-254

“The Christian cross comes from Egypt and India; the triple miter from the faith of the Mithraics; the shepherd’s crook from the Hermetic Mysteries and Greece; the immaculate conception from India; the transfiguration from Persia; and the trinity from the Brahmans. The Virgin Mary, as the mother of God, is found in a dozen different faiths. There are over twenty crucified world saviors. The church steeple is an adaptation of Egyptian obelisks and pyramids, while the Christian devil is the Egyptian Typhon with certain modifications”

― Manly P. Hall, Occult Anatomy of Man & Occult Masonry

“The East Indian equivalent of Christ is the immortal Christna, who, sitting in the forest playing his flute, charmed the birds and beasts by his music. It is supposed that this divinely inspired Savior of humanity was crucified upon a tree by his enemies, but great care has been taken to destroy any evidence pointing in that direction.

Louis Jacolliot, in his book The Bible in India, thus describes the death of Christna: “Christna understood that the hour had come for him to quit the earth, and return to the bosom of him who had sent him. Forbidding his disciples to follow him, he went, one day, to make his ablutions on the banks of the Ganges * * *. Arriving at the sacred river, he plunged himself three times therein, then, kneeling, and looking to heaven, he prayed, expecting death. In this position he was pierced with arrows by one of those whose crimes he had unveiled, and who, hearing of his journey to the Ganges, had, with generation. a strong troop, followed with the design of assassinating him * * *. The body of the God-man was suspended to the branches of a tree by his murderer, that it might become the prey of vultures.

News of the death having spread, the people came in a crowd conducted by Ardjouna, the dearest of the disciples of Christna, to recover his sacred remains. But the mortal frame of the redeemer had disappeared–no doubt it had regained the celestial abodes * * * and the tree to which it had been attached had become suddenly covered with great red flowers and diffused around it the sweetest perfume.” Other accounts of the death of Christna declare that he was tied to a cross-shaped tree before the arrows were aimed at him.”

– Manly P. Hall
The Secret Teachings of all Ages

 “The original idea of “Man Crucified” in Space belongs certainly to the ancient Hindus, and E. Moor shows it in his The Hindu Pantheon in the engraving that represents Wittoba—a form of Vishnu. Plato adopted it in his decussated Cross in Space, the X, “the second God who impressed himself on the universe in the form of the cross”; Krishna is likewise shown “crucified.””

– H.P Blavatsky
Collected Writings Volume 9 Page 264

For More information about the Plate that was published by E. Moore please read “The Hindu Pantheon” a book written by Edward Moor, an early European scholar of Indian religion, a member of Calcutta Asiatic Society. In that book he presents a Plate containing a painting of Avatar Krishna crucified. 

“The existence in Moor’s The Hindu Pantheon of a plate of Christna with nail wounds in his hands and feet, and a plate in Inman’s Ancient Faiths showing an Oriental deity with what might well be a nail hole in one of his feet, should be sufficient motive for further investigation of this subject by those of unbiased minds.”

– Manly P Hall

Will many would disagree with the above illustration on the crucifixion of Lord Krishna. We need to remember on the esoteric path all religions and teachings come from the same source. Esotericism is not sectarian. No savior is greater than the other and no religion greater than another religion. Truth is eternal and all religions and Saviors came at different times to point to the same truth. Therefore if Crucifixion is an important aspect of enlightenment and Initiation, then surely Lord Krishna also demonstrated such teachings as Jesus did 2000 years ago. 

“Understanding of God deepens your appreciation of your own religion. All the Buddha’s, Bodhisattvas, Avatars, Prophets and Messiahs of various religions come from the “Heart” of God. The Love Aspect of God in the Hindu tradition is called the “Universal Vishnu.”
– Master Choa Kok Sui
Beyond the Mind (Edited and Compiled by Charlotte Anderson)

Letters II, 18 December 1935 »

“Undoubtedly the sacrifice of Christ and his acceptance of crucifixion for the sake of bringing the Teaching of Light had tremendous significance for all humanity on all planes of existence. Sacrifices and great achievements were also performed by other Great Teachers for humanity’s sake. And it is difficult to say whose sacrifice was greater—the sacrifice of Sri Krishna, the Spiritual Teacher and kingly builder of life, or the sacrifice of Guatama Buddha, who, during more than sixty years, bore the heavy burden of teaching for the affirmation of the great Law.”

Letters II, 8 June 1936 »

“And now, about the sacrifice of Christ. Of course, it is absolutely unthinkable to understand the significance of the sacrifice, or crucifixion of Christ in the way it is understood by some consciousnesses. Its meaning is that Christ, wishing to emphasize the power of spirit over physical matter, accepted the chalice of sacrifice, and sealed by his blood the Covenant which he brought, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” And in the book Agni Yoga, paragraph 8, it is said, “One can point out why the Teachers of Knowledge experienced such suffering on departing the earth. Of course, this suffering was conscious and voluntary . As the host fills to the brim the cup, so does the Teacher desire to impress this last sign of His Covenant.” [Emphasis added].”

– Letters of Helena Roerich; Agni Yoga Teachings

By Grev Kafi

"The cross does not alone represent a cross upon which a man was hung, but also a thing upon which glory descended. The cross is the symbol of one crucified and reborn into the Innermost, and not a thing of torture and pain. Crucifixion means one who has mastered his lower nature, and has been made clean in the consciousness of the Innermost."