Year 2000 and After by Torkom Saraydarian


The Year 2000 came and went. Humanity survived! What relevance does this book have for us now? If we want a better world, a world that helps us grow and fulfill our dreams for each generation, each of us is responsible to do our part. Find out how in this timeless book.

Human response to the needs of the world is most prevalent and most dynamic and far reaching when caring and sensitive individuals are able to creatively and lovingly respond to the periodic flow of cosmic energies. Sometimes people see the need before the crisis strikes; sometimes we need an extreme crisis in order to respond.

We are seeing attention coming from all fields of human endeavor, in all nations, to address the most essential problems humanity is now facing. Each of these persons, regardless of their religious or cultural affiliations, responds consciously or unconsciously to the Divine rhythm. We see the greatest rise in philanthropy and social entrepreneurship in the last 20 years as a response to these Divine energies.

God has a plan and everyone is included in that plan!

The Ancient Teachers taught that streams of Divine energy are periodically released toward our planet and all of life. The last time this happened was in 2000.  These energies come from the highest Center on the planet, called the Father’s Home, or Shamballa. These energies cause human beings to awaken and start to think globally and the betterment of life for everyone. These energies uncover the hidden weaknesses and problems and bring them up to the surface that can be seen by everyone.

The purpose of the energy is to awaken the Divine Spirit in every human being. We see the effects of this energy in all sorts of global crises as well as in the way humanity responds to these crises.

The author reveals what these periodic releases mean to all of us. He shows us how we can anticipate them, how we can respond to them, how we can refine our natures and become better servers and leaders.

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