Mystics of Renaissance


From the Foreword: ‘The matter which I am laying before the public in this book formed the content of lectures which I delivered during last winter at the Theosophical Library in Berlin. I had been requested by Grafin and Graf Brockdorff ‘to speak upon Mysticism before an audience for whom the matters thus dealt with constitute a vital question of the utmost importance. Ten years earlier I could not have ventured to fulfil such a request. Not that the realm of ideas, to which I now give expression, did not even then live actively within me.’


Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian scientist, philosopher and artist who lived from 1861-1925.  His interests were not only in education, but also in a wide range of fields such as medicine, agriculture, nutrition, social renewal, the environment and Theosophy.  He was a powerful clairvoyant and worked as the German head of the Theosophical Society until his departure from the society. He created the Anthroposophical society after his departure and incorporated his esoteric findings from his Clairvoyant research into the Anthroposophical movement. He gave thousands of lectures and Steiner designed 17 buildings, including the First and Second Goetheanums which is the headquarter of the Anthroposophical society today.

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